If you cannot pay all of your living expenses on time on a regular basis, you probably should meet with a bankruptcy lawyer as soon as possible to analyze your financial situation and find out your options. If you have accounts in collections or your are getting your wages garnished, the sooner you find out your options, the better.
There is an appropriate window for bankruptcy filing for each individual financial situation, and that varies based on several factors. The reason timing is important in bankruptcy is because at the time of filing, the court is allowed to look back for certain transactions in a certain timeframe. And if you inadvertently made the wrong transaction before filing for bankruptcy—even if you were doing well and not even considering bankruptcy at the time—it could be viewed by the court as fraud.
Here are some reasons you should file bankruptcy immediately:
Here are some reasons to delay filing:
Over the past 33 years, the Law Offices of Christopher A. Benson has helped over 2,300 of Washington clients take control of their financial situation. We can stop your garnishment and change your monthly payments for all your combined unsecured debt, and if you have had more than $600 garnished within the last 90 days, we can get all of the money back in most cases. But you have to act quickly–call (253) 815-6940 for your free consultation, or email us today. Evening and weekend appointments available.